Come to me now thus, Goddess, and release me
From distress and pain; and all my distracted
Heart would seek, do thou, once again fulfilling,
Still be my ally!
From distress and pain; and all my distracted
Heart would seek, do thou, once again fulfilling,
Still be my ally!
“Ode to Aphrodite” by Sappho, translated by John Myers O’Hara
When I
first started my internship at ‘Antiquariaat van der Steur’ I was happy to discover that they had a large collection of Classical Literature.
books are still such an important part of today’s literature, so I was glad to examine these books. The first few works I focused on
were already very interesting: the first one happened to be a fable book with
beautiful binding, but my eye was caught by book. At first sight, it was
not the most special book on the shelves at ‘Van der Steur’, but this work
contained some overwhelming poems. These poems are written by Sappho, one of
my favourite authors in Classical Literature and as it appeared also one of the favorite authors of Arine. This surprised me, because her name is not well known in general.
Sappho was a Greek woman of whom's life not much is known for certain.
Everything we know is from her own poetry, but this is not necessarily
biographical. What we do know though is that she was from the island of Lesbos
and was probably born into an aristocratic family. Today, most of her poetry is
lost. Only fragments remain on papyrus, or as quotations in other ancient
works. Sometimes a whole poem has survived and sometimes as little as a single word. The
oldest surviving fragment of Sappho is the Tithonus poem, found in 1922. The
only poem that has survived completely is Ode to Aphrodite. It was preserved
in ‘Dionysius of Halicarnassus’ On Composition’, where the writer quoted the
full text of the poem as an example of “smooth” or “polished” writing. The poem
was also partially preserved on a second century papyrus roll, discovered at
Oxyrhynchus in Egypt.
Sappho’s poetry is known for its clear language, simple thoughts and use of direct quotation. She also uses unexpected word-play quite often. An example from fragment 96:
“Now she stands out among Lydian women as after sunset the rose-fingered moon exceeds all stars”
This is a variation of the Homeric epithet “rosy-fingered Dawn.”
In antiquity Sappho’s poetry was highly admired
and she was referred to as the “tenth Muse”. She influenced other ancient
poets, such as Catullus and Ovid, who wrote a poem as a letter from Sappho to
her supposed love Phaon. Even in modern literature Sappho is of great influence for other poet. For example Housman and Tennyson, who re-wrote the Tithonus poem of Sappho.

This book
initiated a stellar career for Anne Dacier.
This book has a special place in our collection because it has been of great importance for Classical Literature, but also of great importance for Anne Dacier and it is one of the few versions that was actually printed in Greek. This book will always be special.
This book has a special place in our collection because it has been of great importance for Classical Literature, but also of great importance for Anne Dacier and it is one of the few versions that was actually printed in Greek. This book will always be special.
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